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Examples of tours in and around Gothenburg and all over the World. Click the image and read more.

Dagstur Öckeröarna med Rolfs.
Öckerö Gamla Kyrka och Hembygdsgården.

Como, Lugano och Milano
Piazza del Duomo

Gothenburg in snow
Guided tour in the city centre with a nice family celebrating a 80 years anniversary.

Italian lakes
Lago di Como and Lago Maggiore with Swedish tourists. Rolfs Air & Bus.

A Bacaro tour in Venice
A Bacaro is a small bar serving vine and appetizers.

Buss till Strömstad, båt till Ursholmen och Koster. Rolfs Flyg & Buss.

By foot and boat around the city.

City walk in Corona times
Picked up 6 people from a local company on an outdoor restaurant, guided in central Gothenburg and finished with a picnic. Outdoors and with good distance!

Røros, Norway.
2 busses 90 passengers. Rolfs Flyg & Buss.
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